Hi there! I’m Teagan Forbes, and I’d like to share a bit about myself.
I’m currently a design student in Tacoma WA, a city nestled right in view of Mount Rainier. Though I’ve been passionate about drawing since I was young, obtaining an art degree has been my dream since I was 15.
I largely owe that realization to my mother. At the time, I was hiding in my room, creating drawings with basic art supplies we had around the house. When I showed her my drawings (I was coaxed out of my shyness with the promise of new supplies), she held my paper out and said, “Teagan. You’re an artist.”
Her belief in me provided the confidence I needed to grow. In my final year of art school, I can look back and see how my support system prepared me for one of the most challenging and fulfilling things I’ve done. To get here, I’ve not only focused on my studies, but on working part time at a pizza restaurant for the cost of my dreams. Balancing it all has taken a level of strength I didn’t know I had. The belief in me of my loved ones has been my greatest cornerstone.