As a kid, I was introduced to lots of movies and comics by my dad. This led me to start drawing with my friends, usually making comics or just trying to make myself laugh. As I got older, however, the magic of drawing started to wear off on me. As I got to middle school, I found most my age who liked drawing, were far better than I was. At such a young age, I hadn’t learned how not to compare myself to others so harshly, and I caused me to become very discouraged and stop drawing almost entirely. As I got older, I began to paint miniatures; little models I could use for games. This helped reignite my passion for art that was hiding dormant, and got me to pick drawing back up. During high school I started taking art classes and my skills started to improve, which helped motivate me. Still, however, art as a career was not even a thought in my mind. It was only my senior year, when I was very stressed out about post-high school that I began to think about going to art school. At first I thought about just getting an unpleasant job so I could get paid decently, but my dad urged me to follow what I’m passionate about. I took his advice and am now happier than ever studying what I’m passionate about.