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NWWF Contribution & DVD Gift

December 17, 2024 - March 31, 2025

Event Details


Dec. 17, 2024


Mar. 31, 2025


NWWF Contribution & DVD Gift


Please consider a tax-deductible donation to NWWF, a 501(c)3 charity which annually awards scholarships to college level art students and makes grants to grades K-12 art teachers to purchase art supplies for their students. 

For every donation of $50, NWWS will thank you with a gift, a surprise selection of 10 art instruction DVD’s from the NWWS lending library sent right to your door at no additional charge. 

The DVD library was carefully curated over many years by the exceptional volunteer and Past NWWS President, Lola Deaton. The DVD’s were available to borrow at our in-person meetings. Because we reach a wider audience of watercolor enthusiasts online, the DVD library is being dissolved. We couldn’t think of a better way to do this than by sharing the DVD’s with generous donors to the Foundation. The DVD’s are by notable watercolor artists and some also offer art instruction in drawing, perspective, design and other aspects of art and creativity.

Note that we’re not able to fill requests for specific artists, but we know you’ll find great value in the timeless instruction available within the 10 you receive.

Questions? Contact Peggy Willett: Peggywillett@icloud.com or call/text Peggy at 206-351-1150.

Thank you for your support of our foundation and please enjoy your DVD’s.