As long as I can remember, I have been drawing. There are photos of me, age 3 with colored pencils in hand. Everyone in my family is artistic, which has always inspired me. As I got older I still did art, though found myself becoming discouraged when it didn’t turn out perfectly. In my last year of middle school, I took my first serious art class, and found I also had a talent for calligraphy. Because of this I was asked to do some calligraphy work for businesses, weddings, and even a baby shower. Beyond that, I did no art till my senior year of Highschool. If it couldn’t be perfect I didn’t want to do it. Senior year, I missed art and the way it made me feel, so I took two art classes. I have always loved writing, and found that through my art I could tell stories. I did very well in these classes and even won a couple contests, but I discontinued it once I entered college. It hasn’t been until recently that I’ve allowed myself to pick it up again, even choosing to pursue it seriously, which has made me more excited about the future.