Mist across Crockett Lake

Bill Fulton
Exhibition: Waterworks Exhibition 2024 Entry Form
Painting Width: 15
Painting Height: 11
Medium: Watercolor
I painted the lake and the misty background of this painting from the battlements of historic Fort Casey on Whidbey Island, WA. It was a misty day and the air was quite moist so the paper was damp and the washes dried slowly. I had to leave before the background was dry so I could catch my ferry to Port Townsend. When I got home, I finished the painting in my studio. I used a squirrel mop brush exclusively for this painting. The nearer trees were painted by splaying out the bristles and twirling the brush on the paper. The limited palette, wet-in-wet background, and crisp details in the foreground tree foliage make this painting memorable.